Heritage Impact Assessments - Hubbard Conservation
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Heritage Impact Assessments

Since 2010 it has been a requirement for any planning application which will, or is likely to, affect a heritage asset or its setting, to be accompanied by a Heritage Impact Assessment.

A heritage asset need not necessarily be a statutorily listed building, but a property deemed as a heritage asset in terms of local special architectural or historical interest.

A designated heritage asset, (be-that a building, place or site), is statutorily protected under the relevant legislation such as Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, which provides for listed buildings and conservation areas, and the National Planning Policy framework (NPPF).

Other forms of statutory protection exist under legislation for the designation of world heritage sites, scheduled monuments, registered park and gardens, protected wreck sites, and registered battlefields.

A non-designated heritage asset may comprise a building or set of buildings, monument, site, area or landscape identified as having local interest.

Heritage Impact Assessments must provide the local authority with a proportion level of information in terms of the significance of the heritage asset and in accordance with the level of proposed works. This accords with legislation, national and local planning policies. The Heritage Impact Assessment should translate to the local authority the likely level of harm caused by the proposed works or alterations, and also make clear when these works will in fact provide enhancement of the heritage asset and preserve the aesthetic, fabric or plan form. Hubbard Conservation are keen to ensure clients are aware of how they can achieve enhancement and preservation in line with Historic England’s Principals, Policies and Guidance. All proposed works must be presented to the local authority with robust justification.

Heritage Impact Assessments are often complex documents, all of which are individual to the project, size and historic context of the properties and the level of proposed works. Hubbard Conservation has a wide range of experience covering every situation from simple proposed extensions through to major redevelopments of Grade II* farmsteads neighbouring and associated with Grade I buildings and Scheduled Monuments under the direct derestriction of Historic England.


Historic Building Recording

Listed Building Surveys

Statements of Significance