Projects - Hubbard Conservation
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Large Commercial

Hatt Farm, Corsham, Wiltshire – Grade II by virtue of curtilage

Large redundant farmstead with Grade II farmhouse, previously used as film set. New sustainable and viable use proposed to ensure the preservation of this complete farmstead.

Stonehouse Court Hotel, Stonehouse, Stroud, Gloucestershire – Grade II*, Conservation Area

Beautiful hotel and setting of Grade II* status required various applications including repairs and stabilisation to existing structures, along with sensitive and well designed extensions and new structures within the settings.

Witney, Oxfordshire – Conservation Area

Conversation of redundant storage space to provide domestic apartments to the upper floors of a commercial building; formerly historic warehousing.

Small Commercial

West Street, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire – Grade II, Conservation Area

Former shop, now redundant; proposed to be converted into a domestic dwelling. The property had not been inhabited since the 1930s therefore a sensitive approach was required to provide modern services and yet preserve as much historic fabric as possible.

High Street, Alcester, Warwickshire – Grade II, Conservation Area

Timber framed building in High Street setting. Timbers in poor condition due to historic application of impermeable paint causing water and moisture to be trapped for a considerable amount of time causing extensive rot.

Royal Oak, Whatcote, Warwckshire – Grade II

Building in poor structural condition. Renovated to a high standard preventing yet another public house being lost from a village environment.

Public Buildings

Chipping Norton Town Hall, Oxfordshire – Grade II*, Conservation Area

Investigations required establishing cause of water ingress, followed by sensitive and appropriate repairs to halt ingress prior to redecoration programme.

Private Houses

Kenilworth, Warwickshire – Grade II, Conservation Area

In-depth Heritage Impact Assessment provided which included a wealth of social history chronology. Not only is this of interest to the owners but valuable when establishing the building evolution.

Park View, Snitterfield, Warwickshire – Grade II, Conservation Area

House of three eras of construction beginning with the 16th century. Although presenting as one property, each area was constructed differently, ranging from a timber framed structure rendered to present as Regency to accompany its early 19th century addition; through to the later brick extension. Expert architects and builders were required to achieve a successful outcome.

Dorsington Manor, Dorsington, Warwickshire – Grade II, Conservation Area

Provided assistance with regards to painting of timber framing and the installation of a wood burning stove.

Harpole Hall, Harpole, Northamptonshire – Grade II

Renovations required for this beautiful, well-kept early 19th century house, in need of upgrading.

Barrington Grove, Little Barrington, Gloucestershire – Grade II, Conservation Area

Proposal to provide a well-design and appropriately sited swimming pool within the setting.

Park Town, Oxford – Grade II, Conservation Area

Park Town is a historically significant area of Oxford. The property is part of two identical terraces, where renovations must be dealt with sympathetically, resisting disruption to the historic floor plans. This property was in need of sensitive renovations after many years of neglect.

Agricultural / Farmsteads

Aston Botterell, Shropshire – Grade II* and Schedule Monument

Redundant farmstead proposed to be converted into residential. Sensitive site due to it being located immediately adjcent to a Grade II church and Scheduled Monument. Worked alongside Historic England who was consulting.

Pembridge Castle, Hereford – Grade II* and Grade I, Schedule Monument

Redundant farmstead proposed to be converted into residential. Sensitive site due to it being located immediately adjacent to a Grade I castle and Scheduled Monument. Recommended to assist with this project from Historic England.

Hatt Farm, Corsham, Wilsthire – Barns listed by virtue of curtilage of Grade II farmhouse

Large redundant farmstead with Grade II farmhouse, previously used as film set. New sustainable and viable use proposed to ensure the preservation of this complete farmstead.

Marston Park Farm, Derbyshire – Grade II

Complete farmstead included a timber-framed farmhouse. Due to the exposed setting both farmhouse and farmstead were in need of repair to halt further decay. Proposed conversion to residential.

Burmington, Warwickshire – Grade II

Former cartshed in need of urgent repair. Report was provided including input from structural engineer to permit repairs.

Longlands, Sutton-under-Brailes, Warwickshire – Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (ANOB) and
curtilage of host farm

Disused isolated farm buildings in need of viable and sustainable use, proposed for residential conversion.